Most Oregon State University employees are considered "responsible employees" and have an obligation to report incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or retaliation to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (“EOA”) when they become aware of or have reason to believe that a violation of university policy may have occurred. Responsible employees are not required to self-report incidents that have happened to them personally.

A responsible employee is required to immediately report any form of sexual misconduct, discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or retaliation that:

  • Is being or has been experienced or perpetrated by a
    • University student during their time as a student,
    • University employee, and the incident is reasonably related to their employment,
    • University volunteer, and the incident is reasonably related to their volunteer status; or,
    • Any other university-affiliated individual (including, but not limited to, a visiting scholar/fellow, post-doc, honorary/emeritus faculty member. or contractor), and the incident is reasonably related to their university-affiliated status.
  • Has occurred on university property; or,
  • Occurred during a university activity or event.


Review the full policy for complete information, definitions, resources and tools.


Report sexual misconduct or discrimination

Frequently Asked Questions

All OSU employees are responsible employees, unless designated as exempt from internal reporting. Responsible employees must immediately report to EOA any form of sexual misconduct, discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or retaliation as defined by policy that: 

  • Is being or has been experienced or perpetrated by a
  1. University student during their time as a student,
  2. University employee, and the incident is reasonably related to their employment,
  3. University volunteer, and the incident is reasonably related to their volunteer status; or,
  4. Any other university-affiliated individual (including, but not limited to, a visiting scholar/fellow, post-doc, honorary/emeritus faculty member, or contractor), and the incident is reasonably related to their university-affiliated status.
  • Has occurred on university property; or,
  • Occurred during a university activity or event. 

Responsible employees should not attempt to investigate the alleged incident. Instead, they are to simply refer all information to EOA.

OSU is committed to creating and maintaining an equitable and inclusive working and learning environment free of sexual misconduct, discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and retaliation. To ensure that the university is aware of and can appropriately respond to any concerns, we need to know about the conduct first. Additionally, required reporting to EOA takes the burden off of employees to know available on and off campus resources, rights, and applicable law and helps EOA get the most current information on those who are impacted.

EOA will review the report and reach out to the impacted individual via their university email to offer information on resources, rights, and options. The person can then choose whether and how they would like to engage with EOA, or any other resources provided them. 

No one is required to meet with EOA, and reporting does not automatically start an investigation. Reporting allows EOA to connect with individuals to offer them resources, rights, and options without further obligation. Additionally, reporting can be a way to document an incident in case there are future issues or to let the university know of a concern. EOA respects individual's decisions to choose whether or not to engage with our office. 

EOA will conduct an intake meeting with the individual and explain both formal and informal resolution processes.

Becky Bangs, Executive Director and Title IX Coordinator, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access


Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, 541-737-3556, or report online.

The Title IX Coordinator is also the Executive Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access.